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Day 1:  Transform Who You Are


Romans 12:2 
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Found this pleasing and comforting today as I relax and reflect on the past week and start planning on my new week that is ahead. I choose to be who I am and will continue to send out love in abundance to all that needs it as well as prayers each and every day.

I seem to be blossoming into unknown territory, of which I am eternally grateful. It's amazing when you truly open your eyes and let in the light. Your consciousness, clarity of mind, and heart become full. The road I have traveled over my life has been filled with peaks and valleys. Today I feel as if I am on the correct path.

Love ya all. Many blessings from me on this Saturday December 08, 2018. Make today the best day of your life.


Day 2:  Forgiveness

Ephesians 4:31-32


31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 

32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.


Today I reflect on the past year.  There were multiple incidents of bitterness, rage, anger, and slander throughout not only society but within my heart as well.  I now choose to be kind and compassionate in my plan for the future.  We should be each other’s biggest fans, pushing each other towards a true manner of love and forgiveness.  I am so glad that God is now back in my heart and leading the way on my road towards ascending to something greater than the grand scope of my reality. 


Ephesians 4:31-32 allows us a gift from scripture to reassess who we are and to move forward in a glorious path towards forgiveness.  I am so blessed to have a wonderful family; wife, three children, son in law, and a wonderful grandbaby in my life along with so many in family.  It is my hope to continue to be a rock and create an environment of love to withstand any storm that will come.  My goal is to bring God into all of our lives and strive to live a life of thankfulness and love.  Pray or meditate daily and focus on what you are truly thankful for.  To me it is faith, love, and life.

Day 3: You Be You


You be you and let them be them. You are in for a ride of a lifetime as long as you grip the handlebars.

Day 4: Finding Greatness


Find the good in something or learn to rationalize the situation.

Day 5:  Reflect


Not mincing words today, there is a need for action in your life that requires you to face obstacles head on. Keep the dreamer in you alive today by making vast amounts of goals that will continue to allow you to reach higher and expand past what you only dreamed to be possible.

If you like where your life is headed be sure to create a list of pros and cons detailing how you have arrived at this point in your life.

If you’re not certain or feel as if you are going the wrong direction, restate your goals and path on paper detailing how you can get your life back on track.

Create a plan of action, keep dreaming big, and act on where you are and where you want to go in the coming days of 2019.

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The Darkest Hour….5/11/2015


My head is spinning out of control as the three toiled around,

Whispers within the land,

Growls ring out,

Ears ring out of control,

What bestows the cloudy vision within?

I can clearly not quite win,

The dark raspy fingers dig and claw,

Throughout my soul searches for law,

Come now the spirits that flow deep within,

All I want is loves white light,

But you continue to scream and fight,

What is it that you seek from me?

As I continue to plunder so blind to thee,

Your stench is as foul as the bowls of the under,

You continue to try and take my soul to plunder,

Go now on your way out of my life,

Do not continue to cause strife,

Please protect me with Gods grace and light,

Allow me to continue to pray and fight,

As we continue to meditate day and night,

For Gods grace will continue to show the suns rays that are bright…..



Charles A Banks

Out of the Darkness and into the Light  5/29/2015



The air was calm and the night was still.  Smiling gracefully to his wife, Chaz slipped away deep into slumber.  The ability of astral projection was immediate within Chaz’s psyche.  Unintentionally each night, he would slip out of his body into a realm of explicit rationality of the beyond.  The following stories are tales experienced during the sleep state, of which documents maleficent manifestations that took place over a short time span of Chaz’s lifetime.  Skeptics will analyze such matters as merely an over active imagination or dream like state.  Psychics, Mediums, and Empaths will decipher the revelations of Chaz for true meaning of the unknown and what lies beyond.

            Chaz is a 42-year-old white male, who lives in an upper middle class neighborhood in rural Iowa.  He is married with three children works in education, and is a very loving and devoted human being.  At no point during the past 42 years did he understand his abilities.  Only during the past few months have his abilities come to attrition.  The reader will be able to experience first hand, the story of a developing Psychic and medium.  “The ability to circumvent reality, beyond the human psyche is a gift from God”  (Chaz Anthony, 2015).


            Today started like any other day for Chaz, greeting students before they enter or leave the classroom in a kind hearted manner.  As lunch neared and the students left the classroom, Chaz shut the lights out in the classroom and waited in the hallway for things to clear out.  At this time, a girl roughly 5’ 6” in height opened the classroom door and entered the classroom in the dark.  Feeling apprehensive of the student entering the classroom without the light on, Chaz entered and called out; “Hey what are you doing in here in the dark?” To his amazement the classroom was empty with no one in the room.  Shaking his head, he went to his office and had lunch.  What could it be?  Did I hallucinate?

            The day ended somewhat uncanny in relationship to the unknown and what is beyond our consciousness.  I closed my eyes and floated into a vivid detailed universe, unlike the one that we know and understand.  To contemplate this type of existence, we must relax and clear our minds in a way to understand.  My body was fluorescent in a bluish purple background.  Darkness seemed to blow in much like the clouds on a stormy day.  Looking around it appeared that I was floating in a mass of planets and star systems in the background.  A bright star as one would see from about Jupiter in relationship with our sun could be seen twinkling in the background. 

            Reddish haze surrounds the closest planet; orangish background convolutes the reddish haze high within the altitude of this planet.  I seem to be flying around the planet at great speeds, seeing civilization a plenty on the terrestrial planet.  As I fly to the dark section of the planet there are two blue rings that seem to swirl around the planet.  I could see millions of lights in what seems to be an ever-expansive civilization.

             Two beings fly up and meet me in this planets stratosphere; they appeared gigantic in nature with an aqua blue type presence with 4-inch circular tubes attached to the base of the skull.  They had large eyes but seemed curious and attentive to my soul as it floated in the air.  Funny that I did not visualize the beings in the area of the planet where the sun shined in the reddish sky and orange faced. 

            The beings telepathically communicated with me describing the planet in dental, stating that the beings had to constantly move away from the sun as it distilled the oxygen source that they so desperately needed.  They had the ability to astral project much like me on this night, but did not have the technology to travel by ship to other worlds.  They mentioned a Utopian society, with rules regarding strict allegiance.  It would seem that the society they describe is of an autocracy style government.  After a few minutes in the air, one of them touched my chest and sent me reeling falling backward in an ever expansive dark abyss.  Blue, purple, and white light amassed my vision as I sunk deep into the abyss I will call it.  I felt as if my whole soul was racing outward, like a ship when it enters the Earth’s surface.  I fell to the ground and smashed into what would appear to be a desert.  I opened my eyes and I felt as if I were dead.  Immediately following this I awoke in bed gasping for air, it took over ten minutes for me to catch my breath.  I thought I was dying for real in the flesh. 



Life Lost to the Past


As I sit and contemplate the meaning of death and the possibilities of the universe, I engross my psyche into the unknown.  If we were to ponder the questions of what happens after death, is there a possibility that our spirit is truly limitless within the universe itself?  Jumping from one past examination of life to the next, would we be better off in our current human form?  To truly examine the philosophical meaning of death of the human and a spiritual rebirth, one might garner the necessary meaning of life as we know it.  The ability to grasp the one true magnitude of life in the spiritual sense can play lofty in our enterprise as human beings.  The fate of humanity depends on finding answers to what is beyond the veil of flesh existence.





Life has a tendency to throw many curveballs in one’s development on earth.  There are plethora of stories that depict humanities great stories and the human drive for meaning.  Whether it be a inner city youth aspiring to get out of a dark hell on earth, or a families drive to get out of debt, the true stories shine bright in the make up of who we are as the people of earth.  What if I were to tell you that many of us have lived multiple lives on multiple planes of existence?  What if I were to tell you that we could all learn from our past lives and aspire to do greater things in our short time on earth?  Have I garnered your attention yet?  The Adventures of Chaz Anthony are great and many.  The ability to tap into past lives can have both a positive and negative affect on our spiritual makeup.  How we deal with our past can and will have some type of effect on our spiritual development long after the current lives we are living.


The beginning…


Throughout my life, I have lived a great meaningful life full of great memories and learning experiences.  Although, there have been many valleys and limited peaks in my existence, I can truly attest that there is good in our world today.  A while back, I had a great conversation with a great friend of mine who really nailed what life is all about.  He stated that if we were to truly listen when it was needed and truly share love and light with our constituency, life would be worth living.  He went on to say that no matter how bad it gets, our lives can and will be filled with love and joy, only if we aspire to let in the light from the darkness. 


Growing up, I had the opportunity to live in a home of love and joy with the occasional belt or wooden spoon.  I laugh at times reminiscing back to the day that my mother bent me over and broke a wooden spoon over my ass.  Today this would be considered child abuse.  But you know I made it out with flying colors at times I wonder how much better I would have been had my mother hit me a few more times.  I laugh at this not because it was a pleasant experience or that I liked that sort of thing, I laugh because as I look back on those times of learning, I was able to focus in on what or who I would become.


There were multiple learning experiences in my life, almost too many to note in one book.  With that said, I want to share a couple that really transpired who I am today. 




My trip to town for a malt with my brother…


I can’t remember the exact year, but I know I was a small youngster growing up in rural Iowa with my three older siblings, two of which still living at home.  I idolized my brother John; a great athlete, friend, and brother.  John played football with reckless abandonment.  There are many stories that come to mind as I look back at my brother.  Today was like any other day growing up.  My dad was mowing the vast five-acre plot of land south of town and my mom was in the house cleaning and getting supper together for the evening.  John asked me if I wanted to take a ride on his motorcycle and head into town for a bit.  I didn’t even answer and motored toward the door.  We went to town, he drove around the square a few times, and we went to the Double R Dairy Bar on the outskirts of our hometown.  I loved my brother dearly and he loved me right back as long as I didn’t get to ornery.  After we finished our malt, we headed back home.  As we drive down the red shale driveway, we immediately noticed that mom and dad were up by the pond bank with dad all wet and mom sobbing.  I went up there with my youthful demeanor and said dad why are you all wet?  The glare and anger in the eyes and the love at the same time was almost too much to bear.  All I remember is my dad blew his top and mom held me tight.  The rest of the story I heard later on in my childhood, which we reminisce today.


As my mom tells the story, she went up to bring dad something to drink and to ask where “Charlie” was to my father.  Dad I am sure shrugged his shoulders and perhaps thought I was at the neighbors house playing cowboys and Indians at the time.  At that moment there were bubbles coming from the pond on the hill, I mom freaked out saying, “Oh Gerald he is in there!”  My dad immediately jumped into the pond searching high and low in the cloudy water within the pond.  I can only imagine how helpless this must have felt as I went through the same type of thing many years later with my own child.  They wept together and were deeply detached from reality.  As I rolled in on the motorcycle and skipped to the pond to see what was going on, later I would find that dad was really upset but deeply happy that I was ok.


This experience taught me the reality of life on earth and the embodiment of loving your children unconditionally. 




Déjà vu My own experience.


I have three wonderful children;  Chelsey, Peyton, and Katarina with the love of my life Stephanie.  There was a day in late July prior to the start of football season that I will never forget.  Chelsey, Peyton, and Katarina were in the house playing hide and go seek, while Stephanie and I were outside working in the yard in our little house in town.  Like many days, it was a hectic day filled with pain staking work, trying to make our little house our home.  My wife still shakes her head at the idea that we even bought such a house in the first place.  Later on we would make this our home through our thirties.


I remember going inside to get a drink and seeing Peyton and Chelsey watching TV and not seeing my little one running around.  I asked patiently to Chelsey, “Where is Kat?”  She said she would go and look.  Kat could not be found in the house.  I yelled out to Steph to come in and help us look for Kat who had to be around two years old at the time.  We were frantic and looked high and low within the house.  I told Chelsey to look under the beds to see if she was there.  She did and could not find her anywhere.  At this point I broke down emotionally in a rage and panic at the same time.  I told Stephanie to continue to look and I would go outside.  I ran from house to house cringing each time I saw a pool with a cover half on.  I remember calling my dad and telling him the situation.  I can only imagine how my parents felt with the prospect that their little two-year-old grand daughter had been kidnapped or worse. 


I cried, Stephanie cried, and we were running around the neighborhood like chickens with our heads cut off.  I decided to look under the beds again and low and behold behind Kat’s bed all the way in back under stuffed animals and pillows was my little girl snoring.   I held that little girl with her against my chest and my wife next to me and counted my blessings thanking God all the while.  I called the grandparents and told them she was safe and they were at ease.  Déjà vu or a life lesson that needed to be taught much like my parents during their experience with me as a child so many years prior? 
























“In the Moment”


Charles Banks


August 5, 2015





Today I sit reminiscing of time gone by.  For many years I lived my life working numerous hours without contemplation of time spent with family or a deeper set of spirituality.  Tomorrow is a big day for me as I get ready for the upcoming football season, creating rosters in the mind, determining the play book set out by the head coach, and finishing up our pre-season camp in a positive manner.  Yet like any other year, August 6th is a day that will resonate in my mind forever.  This is my father; Gerald Banks birthday.  For years I was busy coaching, to tired from the heat to make the trek south of town to give my dad a hug or a kiss.  He understood and was always the first person to state how proud he was of me.  I would call him wish him happy birthday and plan our yearly birthday parties during the weekend.  My youngest daughter’s birthday happened to fall on August 14th so for a few years we were able to share their special days together.  I still have the photograph from the last birthday party when we were able to celebrate together.  My dad’s soft demeanor, which showed age in his eyes over his battle with cancer, but his resolve with life, was unmatched in my opinion.


Why am I writing such things these many years since his passing?  To many times we get caught up in the day to day grind that we sit and worry about things that are out of control, instead of living each day in the moment.  It is the moments that we ultimately remember.  The good and the bad memories resonate in our minds.  Last night I sat with my wife Stephanie and my youngest daughter Katarina around the fire before retiring to bed.  During this quiet moment, I was able to recollect to all the times that I was too busy to spend time and interact with my family.  Don’t get me wrong I am totally interested in all facets of my family and love them dearly.  But for the most part, we as a society are so caught up in technology and worrying about what we do not have that we forget the most important aspects in our lives; our family.


My dad was a special breed of soul.  He loved, he lectured, he yelled, he showed compassion, he led by example, he was honest, and he was always around interested in how his family was doing at all times.  I think I do a great job always being there for my children and family, but the idea of becoming the man that my dad was is an entirely different perspective.  He was my dad, my role model, my agent, and my best friend.  Spiritually speaking many would call me weird or a spook in regards to my paranormal beliefs.  But my dad wouldn’t as I am sure he is smiling in heaven at the idea that I would never give up in this life in my quest for finding answers in the afterlife, or the chance to communicate again even before we meet when I close my eyes for the very last time. 


Dad, I have so many great things to tell you.  My love for Stephanie grows stronger everyday; our marriage is as sound as a mansion on top of a hill.  Your grand daughter Chelsey was just sworn into the Army and will leave for boot camp at the end of September.  Mom says that you are probably bustling with joy in heaven.  Peyton is doing so well adapting to school, he has many friends and is doing very well in band, chorus, and the arts.  Your youngest granddaughter Kat will be starting 7th grade this year dad and she is going out for cross-country.  I know it in my heart that you will be watching the wind blow in her face as she competes towards excellence.  I want you to know that after our victory last season at Keokuk in football that I knew you were there and the joy surrounded me and I pointed to the sky feeling overwhelmed with the small victory in my life and knew it in my soul that you were proud.  Dad you continue to be my measuring stick towards greatness.  Love you always dad; see you later on down the road.


I want to say happy heavenly 77th birthday dad.  I love you beyond the moon and the stars in the sky. 












The Battle Begins          Charles Banks  

        Monday July 13, 2015


The battle over good and evil penetrates the very fabric of any person considered to be spiritual. 


Contemplations of things to come,

Wonder what I might have done,

Peering out of the corners of my mind,

My soul you do try and bind,

The intentions that you attract within,

Always implicitly demean in a way of that might have been,

The personal dogma,

The batch of hate and discontent,

The haze of ridicule,

Why on earth do you contend to continue to drool?




Yes I can hear you aloud into the night,

As the fight rages on and in sight,

My spiritual magic,

Might be considered to be tragic,

Guilt and thoughts of life long past,

I fight with light so you can go on and be cast,

Away from the inner soul,

Your teeth sink in to toil and plunder,

As you constantly try and pull me under.











A penetrating darkness upon darkness penetrated the light of the early day.  Like a million flying insects penetrating the morning sun, it enveloped into a figure of a being from another age far older than our own.  As it stood at the eastern most point of the Atlantic, it stood tall over taking everything in its wake.  Horns begin to emulate within the darkness and a yellowish red haze for eyes peers into the soul of everyone within its path.  Over thirty feet high it continues to manifest in early morning haze of New York.  Each time it moves, waves extend and smash into the mainland of the east coast.  The being seems to communicate within the mind, hissing disease and malice into the air.  Growing in mass, the being raises its dark mass high over its head.  A roar of a thousand locusts erupts from the opening entrails that appear to be a mouth masking from the darkness.  A blue sky turns to red and yellow haze.  The sun becomes blotted out by the growing mass of darkness.  People run and take cover as the mass slowly circumvents the Manhattan area.  In a loud almost triumphant hiss the being calls to the heavens to wreck havoc throughout the land.  A loud penetrating rock streams past the skyline.  With a light of a million atomic bombs deep in the Atlantic Ocean the rock implodes.  Within minutes the water all throughout the east cease recedes into the ocean exposing hundreds of miles land beneath what was once the oceans depth.  People all along the eastern seaboard looks in horror as the darkness continues to grow leaving all in its path to plunder.


Further south near Washington DC, a man is walking his dog with his child near the Washington Monument.  At first there were laughs all around the great monument of our country.  As the peace and serenity fades into darkness to the east, they too see the explosion far into the Atlantic.  Within minutes a mammoth wave of ocean nearly 100 foot high is seen moving rapidly towards the cities skyline.  Earthquakes unleash into the city.  The man looks in awe as his dog runs away after he dropped his leash.  He calls out to his child and runs and grabs the child’s hand to run away from the court area.  The Washington Monument buckles under the pressure of the earthquake and begins to crack.  Loud creaks and buckling cement can be heard all throughout the area.  He pulls his child close and the monument falls to the east breaking in half as it plummets to the ground.  Screams from a thousand people could be heard and a smell of sulfur appears out of the area.  The ground buckles near the monument opening up to what looks like fifteen volcano’s bellowing lava.


I awaken with a million thoughts going through my mind, coughing up trying to breathe, I attempt to collect my thoughts. 

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